Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Nude Drawing

This drawing was a gift from my Year 11/12 TEE art teacher Jamie Arkeveld when I was at Katanning Senior High School back in 1995. It is a nude she draw of her boyfriend at the time, Torstein I think his name was, he was the local artist in residence at the time. I believe he made the frame out of recycled wood, it's quite quaint. I remember they owned a dachshund called Stilts, perhaps that is were my love of dashies comes from. Fantastic drawing, I always have it on display somewhere in my house.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Compact #32 - Lumberman's Monument Camp Compact

Compact #32 - Lumberman's Monument Camp Compact - I am guessing that this interestingly shaped art deco compact was given as a gift for girls who attended a camp. I googled Lumberman's Monument and it's a camp ground in Michigan, USA. So I am guessing a little girl from this US camp has moved to Australia, lucky her. They must of hand painted these little compacts with a lot of care, she must have loved it to bring it all the way to Australia :)

Special Musical Tray found in Vancouver

When I was strolling the streets of Vancover with my mum last year I stumbled upon the messiest op-shop I have ever seen, it just had crap piled up everywhere, no order, no plan. Nothing had a place, everything was in hap-hazard piles and I couldn't even get to the back room as the door was blocked by old boxes and books. This music inspired tray was the diamond in the rough that I found on a back shelf, I know nothing about it except that I love it. Rather than using it as a tray I have put it up on my wall as a feature. Lovely colour, beautiful images, 10 points Vancouver.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Compact #31 - Avon Bamboo Compact

Compact #31 - Avon Bamboo Compact - I picked this compact up on Ebay. I haven't really seen many Avon compacts on the market, I assume they exist, they must do? Apparently Avon begun in 1886 in New York so I am surprised I have not seen more compacts. I guess Avon was always a rather affordable line of cosmetics and perhaps didn't delve into compacts which would have been relatively expensive to manufacture. To see how Avon has evolved see the Avon time line since 1886, here is a link: http://www.avoncompany.com/about/firsts.html

Dachshunds - The Coconut

This is why I like Dachshunds, this is my dog Coconut. I know dogs don't neccessarily fit in with the theme of my blog BUT....he is 2nd hand as I got him from the pound so I think he counts as a collectible. I picked him up from the Spearwood pound in the earlies noughties, about 2003 I think. I instantly fell in love with him but I had to sell it to Chris, my husband. Coconut had been mistreated and was a scrawny little mess with long curled over nails but I saw the potential, I just had to have the little drowned rat. Yes.... he does have an attitude problem and an exceptionally loud bark for a little dog and yes.... he does hate all other dogs and even latches onto their faces with force from time to time but at home he is a perfect angel....sometimes. Flaws and all, I wouldn't swap him for anything.

Compact #29 - Stratton Party Case

Compact #29 - Stratton Party Case - If I was around in the 50's I would have bought one of these party cases as a weapon, it weighs over a kilo and you could severely injure your boyfriend if he got a little bit handsy. This case features a compact & mirror, comb, cigarette case and lipstick, everything a girl needs on a Saturday night, well maybe not the cigarettes. I find it quite ironic that girls stored all their beauty products alongside their ciggies and being an ex-smoker all I can say is.....only dags smoke fags.....but they do have lovely party cases :)

Fancy's from around the globe

The big globe at the back I have owned since 1982 when my parents bought it in India. I lived in Bangalore from 1982-84 and my Mum bought all sorts of things that I still have today. The globe is a bit out of date now and still features the USSR but it has survived okay considering it was stolen by a friends boyfriend for a few years in the 90's and he refused to give it back. I eventually retreived it but it does have a slight dent now...nice one Joel. On the bottom left is a Big Fat Mama Tea Cannister, I picked up a set of 4 in New Orleans last year. I did wonder if it was offensive to buy them but they were selling them in the middle of New Orleans so I think not. The yellow tea pot is from the Subiaco Markets and is quite tacky, but in a good way. The right hand doll is also from New Orleans and is beautifully made with a soft body and porcelain head, legs and arms. I found it in a little antique store in Louisiana and the owner of the store said she found a whole box of these little dolls in an attic somewhere, she thinks they were from the 50's.

Blue Ceramic Dachshund

As a lover of Dashies I had to buy this blue ceramic dachshund when I found it in the designer shop in Melbourne. You know those shops you walk by, a funky dress catches your eye, you unknowingly enter the shop only to realise that there is no way you could afford anything. What makes it worse is that the shop assistant is about 12 years old and looks immaculately modern and toned and gives you one of those fake smiles that says "umm... get out....this shop is only for people with 8 credit cards". Well I was about the back away slowly when I saw Little Bluey, he was way over priced but I love him. He has a makers mark - BITOSSI - Made in Italy. Little Bluey will have a much better life in my kitchen I think.

Compact #28 - Pygmalion Compact

Compact #28 - Pygmalion Piano Compact - This is the most unique compact I have, it plays music and has a little compact under the piano lid. The mirror is broken which is a shame but it only cost me $70 AUD and I know they are worth about $300US in mint condition. I picked it up from the Claremont Antique fair, the stall had about 20 compacts in a small box. They were all pretty ordinary and I asked if they had anymore and they whipped this little gem out from under the counter, I fell in love instantly and we have been together ever since.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Retro Canisters - Australian Made

Retro Canisters - Australian Made - Everyone wants a set of these iconic Australian canisters....how cool are they? I picked these up at "Scroungers" for $35 which was a steal. I don't actually use them I just have them on display which is a bit lame but I am clumsy and I don't want to drop one as they are in really good nick. The manufacturer is Capri...well that's what google said and I cannot be bothered to get off the couch and go check....it's been a long day, I'll check later and update.

Compact #27 - Mexican Compact

Compact #27 - Mexican Compact - And in the words of Speedy Gonzales the little Mexican mouse......."Ándale! Ándale! Arriba! Arriba!". Another compact from the yearly Claremont Antique Fair. A cute little Mexican themed compact featuring Mexican men having siestas, playing guitar and lots of cacti. I wonder why the manufacturers came up with this theme for a compact or any themed compact really...I guess they were just trying to cash in on fads....I would have bought this one, I am a sucker for a theme.